How to use conditionals in Thymeleaf

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How to use conditionals in Thymeleaf

2024-07-16 00:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In this quick article, we will look at different kinds of conditionals available in Thymeleaf. Thymeleaf is a popular server-side template engine widely used by developers for Java-based web applications.

Thymeleaf provides several conditional attributes like th:if, th:unless, and th:switch that can be used to conditionally hide or show parts of your template in the result. To learn more about how to use Thymeleaf with Spring Boot, check out this tutorial.

Before we discuss how conditionals work in Thymeleaf, let us first define a simple model class named that we will use throughout the article:

public class User implements Serializable { private long id; private String name; private String gender; private String active; // constructor, getters, and setters removed for brevity } Simple Conditionals: "if" and "unless"

Sometimes you only want to display a fragment from your template in the result if a certain condition is met. Thymeleaf provides th:if and th:unless conditional attributes to exclude elements based on a provided condition in the rendered document.

For example, imagine you only want to display those users who are active in the user table. In order to do this, you can use th:if attribute to test the condition along with th:each attribute to iterate over list of users as shown below:

List of Users # ID Name Gender 1 100 John Doe M

Thymeleaf engine will evaluate the condition th:if="${}"defined on the tr HTML element. When the evaluated value is false (for inactive users), it will skip the tr tag with all its child tags from the result.

The th:if attribute is not just limited to boolean conditions (true/false). In the following table, you can find all scenarios for which the conditional th:if=${value} expression evaluates to boolean true when it is not null:

Description Variable Example The value is a boolean and is true boolean status = true; The value is a number and is non-zero int age = 25; The value is a character and is non-zero char ch = 'A'; The value is a String and is not "false", "off" or "no" String str = "Java"; The value is not a boolean, a number, a character or a String Object obj = new Object();

If the value is null, it always evaluates to boolean false.

th:unless is a negative counterpart of th:if attribute that can be used instead of adding not statement before conditionals. For example, instead of using th:if=${not}, you can also use th:unless=${} statement.

Let us look at another example that uses both th:if and th:unless attributes to display descriptive user's gender:

Male Female Multiple Conditions

Thymeleaf allows you to combine multiple conditions together using and and or operators.

For example to get a list of active users whose name starts with 'john' prefix, you can do the following:

Similarly to get a list of active users who are either female or are at least 25 years old, use the following condition:

Switch Statements

Thymeleaf also provides a way to display content conditionally using the equivalent of a switch statement in Java: the th:switch and th:case attributes.

The th:switch and th:case attributes are useful when there are more than two outcomes of an expression. These attributes work not only for constant variables like an enum but also for any other data types such as string or number. Here is an example:

Female Male Not specified

Note that as soon as one th:case attribute is evaluated as true, every other th:case attribute in the same switch context is evaluated as false. th:case="*" is used to specify the default option in th:switch statement.

Elvis Operator

Elvis operator, usually written as X ?: Y, X or Y or X || Y, is a binary operator that returns its first operand X if that operand evaluates to a true value, and otherwise evaluates and returns its second operand Y.

Here is an example:

In the example above, when the gender is specified (empty or null), it will display (not specified) instead of empty space.

The Elvis operator is basically a variant of the ternary conditional operator, X ? X : Y, in the sense that the evaluated result returned by the Elvis operator is approximately equivalent to the result of the ternary conditional operator.

Here is an example of ternary conditional operator that renders an arbitrary text depending on a boolean expression:


In this article, we covered different conditionals provided by the Thymeleaf template engine. We also looked at simplified examples to learn how to use these conditionals in the Thymeleaf templates.

Thymeleaf is a highly flexible and easy to use template engine. It allows us to write a condition in multiple ways just like Java. It is up to you to choose the method you want to use to evaluate a certain condition.

Read Next: How to use Thymeleaf with Spring Boot

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